The solution-oriented paint therapy LOM® is a very efficient and extremely sustainable method to work on a variety of life situations. Painting neutral metaphors allows the brain to "paint over" negative memories, harmful behavior patterns, and irritating symptoms.
Here is a selection of possible topics
The method was developed and researched in the 1980s and its success documented. Only at a later point in time did neuroscience provide the appropriate explanation as to why it works.
No artistic or creative talent is required to work with this method. The only requirement is that you enjoy painting to a certain extent. Painting the pictures themselves is usually a beautiful process. The goal is that the picture triggers a positive touch in the painter, so that the underlying theme can be redeemed.
LOM® is also very suitable for children from around 5 – 7 years of age and sometimes brings extremely rapid results that may be surprising for the layperson.
A picture painted spontaneously in the moment can provide insight into the soul of the painter. Possible meanings and interpretations of the picture are extracted together with the therapist in a mindful conversation. This can result in solutions and hints for further action.
Children usually paint more genuinely and directly than adults.
Children have little or no idea what expectations a painted picture should live up to. In addition, the painting is much less hindered or distorted by ideas and interpretation and other intellectually built-in filters of the painter.
That is why painting often offers children easy and very direct access to their topics and challenges.
As already mentioned above, the application of the solution-oriented painting LOM® is also for children and often has an amazing effect.