Anna Christen

Anna Christen


With great joy, deep gratitude and a wealth of life experience, I accompany people on part of their journey.

Our deepest fear...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are immeasurably powerful. It is our light we fear, not our darkness...

... Keeping yourself small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about making yourself small so that others around you don't feel insecure...

... And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."*

* Marianne Williamson, aus: “A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles”, Harper Collins, 1992

Who I am


A high sensitivity for my fellow human beings and my environment has accompanied me since the beginning of my existence. While still in my youth I discovered my great empathy for nature and the small and large people in the depth of their soul.

In the beginning, however, this gift often proved to be more of a burden. I felt "different" and "out of place" with it, didn't know what to do with it.

So I preferred to "hide" myself in various ways.

I chose many compromises - not only out of fear of myself but also of the reactions of those around me.

This resulted in a gloomy mood, and it also had effect on increasing physical symptoms, which simply did not allow me to ignore them.

A long search for healing and becoming whole ensued. I have been able to learn different methods of alternative forms of therapy and self-discovery and have also met masters.

Over the course of a number of years, the above warning signals, which my soul was expressing through my body, were resolved. I still remember that autumn day when all the symptoms were gone for a moment: my body was light, my mind in high spirits, I perceived nature in the brightest colors.

To this day, my body has remained an important guide - it unmistakably warns me when something is out of balance and also shows me when I am on the right path. Today I can increasingly see this as a gift.

From this profound examination of myself, the desire grew to let other people participate in the knowledge I had gained and the possibilities of self-discovery.

I know all the healing and self-healing methods that I use in my practice from my own experience and have been able to test them for their effectiveness and efficiency.

I can now look back on more than 30 years of experience in the field of healing and self-healing.

It is with great joy, with deep gratitude and with a wealth of life experience that I accompany people on a part of their journey.

Anna Christen

Professional background

Here are a few milestones from my life that help shape my work.

  • Dorn therapy
  • Coaching education
  • Adult educator SVEB I
  • Annual course Light Priestess
  • Yoga classes
  • Courses on nutrition/nutritional supplements
  • Psychozon therapy
  • Metamorphosis
  • Foot reflexology
  • Solution-oriented paint therapy LOM®
  • Training in mediumship and energetic healing
  • Body Psychotherapy Training
  • lic.phil. English Studies, Ethnology, Religious Studies
  • Primary school teachers seminar
  • Graduate commercial school

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